Sanctions Screening:
Safeguarding your transactions with fast & secure Sanctions Checks

Sanctions Screening allows finance & treasury teams to check creditor names against 1000+ official sanctions lists, ensuring AML compliance and mitigating the risk of mis-payment and legal action.

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We are proud to work with

Protect your cross-border payments
& enhance due diligence

Detect, prevent, and disrupt financial crime effortlessly with AccessPay Sanctions Screening. Our integrated solution offers efficient screening within your payment operations platform.

Sanctions Screening is a critical security layer for organisations processing cross-border transactions.

AccessPay’s Sanctions Screening provides flexibility to add checks across your entire payment process as often as required.

Unlike some bank portals, the service covers a wide range of payment types, including BACS, Faster payments, CHAPS, Direct Debits, SWIFT & SEPA.

Protect your cross border payments image

"We’ve always wanted a double check feature from third party software, to help us with our regulations and compliance. We wanted to incorporate something that properly checks that we’re paying the correct people. This is now possible with AccessPay."

Why do you need Sanctions Screening?

AML Compliant

Access to 1000+ Sanctions lists

Real-time results

Enhanced protection against the threat of Fraud & Error

Businesses processing cross-border payments are obligated to comply with Anti-Money Laundering measures. Organisations need to protect themselves from devastating financial losses, legal liabilities, and reputational damage.

Enabling Sanctions Screening alongside other Fraud & Error Prevention tools such as Payment Screening and Account Name Verification ensures secure and efficient processing; an ideal choice for businesses looking to prioritise payment fraud prevention through the adoption of technology.

Enhanced protection image

Discover how incorporating a comprehensive Fraud & Error Prevention Suite can protect your company’s financial integrity

Get in touch with one of our experts by completing our contact form.

Enhance financial resilience

Save time with fast, effective screening

Bank portals often lack the capability to perform comprehensive checks for all payment types.

With Sanctions Screening your payments are reviewed against over 1000+ international sanctions lists concurrently, increasing your team’s efficiency compared to manual verification.

Reduce risk with consolidated controls

Perform Sanctions Screening directly within your payment operations, consolidating your internal controls.

Replacing manual checks in your bank portal also limits the number of high-risk users accessing sensitive financial data.

Cost-effective solution

By opting for a dedicated Sanctions Screening tool, organisations target their resources efficiently towards only those payments that require additional layers of security, giving you greater flexibility and providing an integrated user experience.

How does Sanctions Screening work?

Real-time checks to safeguard your payments before they are processed

AccessPay’s Sanctions Screening tool immediately alerts users if a match from a Sanctions list is found.

Additional identifiers like date of birth are provided to allow you to conduct your Sanctions Screens with all due diligence and act on the results with confidence.

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"We needed something that reflected our controlled environment, with an additional layer to flag that there is no risk of fraud. AccessPay helped reduce this risk."

Enjoy full Fraud & Error Prevention

Sanctions Screening is part of AccessPay’s comprehensive Fraud & Error Prevention Suite, designed to enhance your payment security.

Pair Sanctions checks with Payment Screening and Account Name Verification for full payment security.

AccessPay also offers Audit Trails, Reports and Multi-Factor Authentication/Single-Sign On options.

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Want to detect suspicious transactions?

Optimise internal control mechanisms to help reduce the risk of monetary loss and simplify the path to achieving compliance.

See how you can detect and prevent suspicious transactions.

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Discover the power of AccessPay’s
Fraud & Error Prevention Suite and protect your company’s financial integrity

At AccessPay, we’re committed to helping you de-risk your financial operations and enhance your internal control mechanisms.

Complete the form to schedule a free consultation with one of our bank connectivity specialists.

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